Amy Denise's Digital Art Tools 3D Illustration

Journey Through Fantasy

I’m Amy Denise, an artist specializing in digital art and acrylic painting.

I’m passionate about bringing my artistic vision to life through bright, captivating visuals. My portfolio celebrates the fanciful and fantasy.

I channel my creativity into a diverse range of projects. Whether crafting 3D worlds or painting with traditional mediums, I’m constantly pushing the boundaries of my craft.

Acrylic Painting and Digital art by Amy Denise

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Amy's Art & Other Cool Stuff Blog

Purple Planet acrylic on canvas by Amy Denise

Acrylic Painting is My New Favorite Thing

So if you have read my last blog post on setting art goals for the new year, you will know that this year for me was going to be all about character design and 3D modeling. Well, when winter classes opened up at the Indy Art Center, there was a character drawing class for adults. I was going to sign up and, at the last minute, decided not to. I

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Living My Best Creative Life Beyond Instagram

Rediscovering Creativity: Living Beyond the Instagram Grid

One major step I have taken this year was deleting my Instagram profile. It was not a decision I made overnight. It was something that I had been thinking about for a while. I should also note that this is not the first time I have left social media. Not all social, though; I still look at YouTube and Pinterest almost daily 🙂 but I do not have the same

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Setting Creative Goals for 2024

Setting Creative Goals in 2024

Happy New Year! Who’s ready for 2024? As creatives, we often want to set new art goals each year. The driving force is often less about the creative process and more about building a stronger portfolio and getting more clients. That is all great stuff to aim for. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to keep the pressure of those goals from stifling your creativity. I will share my goals and

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