Mushroom Art

Mushroom Artwork by Amy Denise

Sometimes I like to look back at sketches I did awhile ago and once in a while I find one that I forgot about that makes me smile. That is how I felt about this mushroom sketch. It’s a happy birthday memory, which for me blends into Christmas and is coming up very soon.

I received an ipad pro with an apple pencil for my birthday from my husband that year. It was very exciting! I could draw on my ipad! I had used drawing tablets and a stylus in the past to draw on my computer but it wasn’t the same as being able to draw and paint on the screen and have pressure control. Procreate was the best app for digital artwork on an ipad, and personally, I still believe it is. It’s my go to for sketching anything these days. Once in a while I’ll grab paper and pencil, but not nearly as often. It really depends on what I’m sketching and if my ipad battery is dead.

The Story Behind This Mushroom Drawing

Mushroom Digital Drawing by Amy Wade
My original sketch before I added the color

Anyway, back to the mushroom art. This mushroom sketch was the first drawing I did in Procreate. I was trying out lots of lines and scribbles. I was getting a feel for the different brushes and strokes etc. Out of all of those scribbles came these mushrooms.

MOOD: I like to imagine that I’m small enough to walk under their caps. The bugs are like birds and the dandelions are like fluffy clouds drifting across the sky. I imagine a summer sunset. The sky is getting darker and there is a light warm breeze. The kind of warm summer breeze that makes you want to lay on the grass and close your eyes. That’s why I love this mushroom artwork. It takes me to a warm fantastical place where the mushrooms are the trees and I can lean up against one and take a nap.

You Can Buy These Mushroom Prints

Once I rediscovered my sketch I felt that it would be cool to add some color. I chose colors that best represented the feeling of the sunset and the colors I image in the world of these mushrooms.

Mushroom Sunset Mini Art Print Available at Society6

I hope you enjoy them like I do. Perhaps you can close your eyes, picture yourself there with the sun setting, the warm breeze, and the dandelions floating by..


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