
Sunset Ruins Acrylic on Canvas

Sunset Ruins Acrylic Painting Process

After painting Homecoming, the warmth of summer was creeping in, and  I couldn’t help but think of tropical landscapes. So the question I asked myself is, what kind of magical tropical place do I want to explore? What beautiful, mysterious place do I want to visit? What if, while out on a hike, you discover some ancient ruins? Pushing My Acrylic Painting Skills I realized that the last two acrylic paintings I had done were full of rocks and sand. So, I wanted to add some trees for this painting to challenge myself and grow my skills. I really enjoyed

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Homecoming Acrylic on Canvas by Amy Denise

Finding My Home in Acrylics: The Inspirations and Journey Behind Homecoming​

Homecoming: This painting is more than just a dragon flying home at night to the castle it guards. It was when painting this piece that I felt like I was coming home, back to painting. I’ve been trying so many different mediums trying to find the one that fit. I never considered acrylic painting. My oil paints have been sitting for years because I didn’t want to have to deal with solvents. I kept trying everything else. It was like a subtle self-sabotage or imposter syndrome. While I have always liked the idea of painting and selling my paintings, for

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Purple Planet acrylic on canvas by Amy Denise

Acrylic Painting is My New Favorite Thing

So if you have read my last blog post on setting art goals for the new year, you will know that this year for me was going to be all about character design and 3D modeling. Well, when winter classes opened up at the Indy Art Center, there was a character drawing class for adults. I was going to sign up and, at the last minute, decided not to. I thought I would wait until spring. Spring classes went up, and that class was no longer available. I really wanted to have a class where I could meet other creatives

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